St. Stanislaus Kostka Church – Patapsco State Park, MD

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Built in 1879, the church was struck by lightning in September 1926, burned and was never rebuilt. Daniels, the industry town it served, was dead by the 60’s and largely washed away by Hurricane Agnes 1972.

The roof is gone and there’s no flooring or furniture. Trees have overtaken the interior of the church but the walls, along with the windows (minus glass) are still there and very photographic. The stonework is very intricate, made up of gray and blue stones, and there is very little graffiti. There a small, very overgrown cemetery, behind the church.

There is a small parking lot at Alberton Road Trail Head (39 18 55.46 / 76 47 35.87) of about 10 spaces. They are almost always taken on the weekends, so consider a weekday visit.

At first it looks as if you are walking through someone’s yard, but after a minute or two you will be on the trail. It’s well maintained and flat. Take the small trail up the hill to the right at about (39 18 57.47 / 76 48 36.69)

As you walk up the trail you will see the ruins (39 19 01.65 / 76 48 31.24) to your right on the other side of a small valley. There are also a couple of cars washed out at the bottom of the valley.